Authors note :

Dear Elton merwyn Vaz readers,

The title here has "coloured", meaning "creative creation" and "grey matter", meaning "intellectual"...and hence "coloured grey matter - intellectual creative creation"... The material that follows from here onwards is completely my work in self experienced expression. Its intent is, as i will timely repeat - "To illuminate knowledge and experience and not to direct behaviour".. I urge my readers to read onward in this light...thank you reader, you may now go onward and spill your brains out....

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Dear Elton merwyn vaz readers,
         Im sure everyone of you were baffled by my poem "broken code". So in response to your requests and my self awareness of the topic and my way of expression, here comes "De-code" as i had promised to settle the unsettling thought of those lines....

"Carried away on a fumbled direction.
To a land of foreign tone.
A word of mouth, a rib to bear a weight
Cause and action raised to question."

My friend lavanya chakravarty was driving through the city on judges bungalows road going towards SAL hospital. He usually take that route only but the lines suggest that you never know when you will meet your next mind rattling experience, even though there is the familiarity with the route. So he was going and he is brought to a screeching halt by a man who was apparently carelessly walking across the road talking on the phone - viz "foreign tone" for lavanya...and instantly that person becomes a part of Mr lavanya's life experiences. Here "fumbled direction" means "accidental". So the first 2 lines say how lavanya is instantly connected to this person in his mental well of experience, accidentally. Then the next two lines suggest a verbal altercation as it usually happens in the Indian scenario and then this person is accompanied suddenly by a mob of people who start beating lavanya even when clearly it was the phone guys mistake. this is thought is "cause and action raised to question" and in the process of blows and blockages lavanya receives a hard blow in the ribs and that is "a rib to bear a weight"......

"In corrupted brew of bloody wax
A plague raged indiscreet, unabashed.
A pierced jargon offends that thought.
Brings frust’ a congregation."

This whole verse is the expression of the thought processes that might have been going on in lavanya's head at that time. "corrupted brew of bloody wax", the mixed emotions of being innocent, helpless and clueless of what is going on.. "A plague raged indiscreet, unabashed." - representing both lavanya's emotions and the visual of the crowd...."A pierced jargon offends that thought.Brings frust’ a congregation." - lavanya's reaction in self defence and frustration, a set of blows from his end to break free from the mob to safety...his car still being thrashed but then finally being left alone after some time...lavanya still thinking what just happened, he had just saved the man and yet he was being accused and violated....

"In search of bored integrity.
In torn beyond relief.
Two brothers lost in a city life.
A man found casualty."

the first two lines represents lavanyas state of mind and the mobs too...."bored integrity" represents failure to build back a broken state of mental integrity... now this revelation comes after lavanya's brother goes back to the scene to investigate the set of events and learns that the man on the phone had just lost 2 of his brothers, approx 27-28 yrs of age, in road 2 days before on the highway; instant death and one had just succumbed to internal injuries a few hours before at SAL hospital. Hence we can get expression of the mans state of mind in "bored integrity" and "torn beyond relief"..(read lines again to get the meaning) .....

"And then that question rose in cause and action.
No side repaired the road
No matter how right you fell,
understanding another is still a broken code"

then the reasons and the connotations come to sense if you piece it together...the mob was the mans relatives and village neighbors who were obviously all enraged when this happened. 2 brothers were lost to road accidents and here was one that was about to happen..all the frustration and despair came out on lavanya who was clueless of what was happening and why was he being blamed..because he didnt know this background story running in the minds of those people..when you think about it, its neither ones fault but it was the eventuality and the situation the brew the happening....hence the tag  "No matter how right you fell understanding another is still a broken code" ........(read the lines once again and now it will be clear) 

the explanation is in brief but if you now read the poem and think about the situation and the volume of emotional breakdown in that person then you can realize the reaction in this case and about how in our lives we simply never think about what another person might be going through, all we see is the reaction and we react that actually right in all cases..?? ....think about it...

thank you for reading...please post your comments below....

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Dope theory

Dear Elton Merwyn Vaz readers (if there are any),
              After a parched season of my writing, here comes some "new age thinking" writing....the timbre is not meaningless strings of rhymed lyric but a narration of a pattern of existential life and hence i sincerely request readers not to be completely influenced by the material because most of it is sensitive to very firmly established guides/principles in our lives, if you ponder over its deep connotations...The intent of this material is to illuminate knowledge and not to direct behavior....i urge my readers to take it in this light...thank you for leave ur comments 

A long duration rests its course,
As a sight brought back that which was thought to be lost for seconds
Who told you to believe what Einstein Says?
When you’ve got time-bends right in your mind to beckon.
For there is no purpose in this chaos,
Only that which you can organize
And No matter how high you think you’ve got in that,
You’re not even a bit on a bit of pie.
Some, who think they’ve got all the knowledge or even some,
Id like to make my pee on their brain descent,
For that’s all the water you're ever going to see,
 In the earth’s 70%.
Come to be enlightened by this source of meaning,
Find truth in, to you told, structured lies,
If you think for a moment about yourself
You know you’re just living a set of biological needs inside (like intel inside..haha)
Covered up in intellectual sight and made up rules.
And dumplings of memories to guide your next step.
It’s so unconscious, what you do,
Come to think about it, it’s not even you…haha
Cause, think about this : who gives you the concept of you?
It’s a brain, A biological form consisting of tissue and neurons
and basically cells of different type made of protons, neutrons and electrons.
You’re concept of you is jus living on a learning software (set of rules/needs),
That runs on this your brains hardware.
So in the end we all are just collective energy itself,
If we dissect ourselves up to the atom.
And a body is just matter (a neutron) holding you back,
To what you think is yourself.
So death be a measure to be reunited to the source.
To Become free energy, a millionth time stronger
Suffice to say you’ve just been fucked up being a human,
 with no purpose or scope to decide, or power to know it all
 and even if you go and die, you’ve just become
(according to the law of conservation of energy) - life’s resource….hahaha…..