Why are relationships difficult? (And by that I mean friends and relatives included along with the rather easily grasped meaning of the term “relationships”) It’s a question almost every other person has made to the air of the night or maybe for some lucky people, who have had the fortune to have a true friend, have “extractingly” made it to them. But in any case one has only got a hypothetical answer or maybe a grandmas philosophy, oh and then there are those experiences of others that inspire only those who tell you about it. But no matter how much experienced one is in this matter, it’s always going to be a partial explanation or a general agreement to the issue because no matter how hard you try to relate to the other persons problems they will always be intrinsic to that persons psyche and no one can ever completely understand or say "put themselves in someone else’s shoes". It’s an impossibility that is made so that we have differences and are unique people, but no matter how kingly it seems, it also has a down side because it puts us alone in this world. Now this exactly is the reason of the first question asked, "why are relationships difficult?” forget being in one. It’s hard to even start one that really is something meaningful. Most starters are just attractions and sexual urges that eventually burn out. But one must not condemn these, after all it’s not wrong to be attracted to a person, what matters here is “to control this and see if there is really a possibility of something.” “To wait for each other to get to a level of understanding that will bind you'll together.” “It’s not important to say that you love someone. It’s more important to really love”. Well, that’s again philosophy right? So what is it actually? I think that the problem arises because there is a constant desire to have the best, and more. We are all in the search for the love from that person whom we want to. No one gives a damn to those who love you, so everyone is like a shoal of fish; unidirectional, following the current blindly. No one wants to settle for second best. No one wants to even look behind. Everyone is busy complaining about someone or some people who don’t care about them while ignoring those who really care. Isn’t that such "hypocricism". On one hand you complain that people don’t care and on the other you don’t care about those people that do….pause here…think about it. So there you go again, “unidirectional shoal of fish”. It looks like the generation is moving forward smoothly but they actually have no idea where they are going and even if they try and break free from the rest they would only be alone again, hence no one does and hence the commonly lingering anxiety. What is required is an urge to break free from the shoal and everyone has to do this. Only then will this be possible. Love the people that love you and you will be happy. Start with your parents and you will see the difference. It will be hard at first but everything that’s done through hardships has a sweet result. Care for those that care and expect no returns from anyone. Every person has their load of burdens to take care of. No one could be available to you all the time. The one that is laughing the hardest is probably the one that’s most troubled and is only trying to find hope in seeing someone else smile cause of em. Not everyone is having a jolly good time in the world. So when they do things for you, think that you actually owe them one or maybe much more, cause you don’t know what they are possibly going through but are still trying to be there for you. Above all give em time and don’t cut off easy and the most important one, don’t assume or judge anyone but rather try and understand and give em a second chance....
p.s. - please dont think that this is written for you to be instructed by me, it’s rather an expression of my understanding to myself so that I grow in what I believe in...cause such beliefs always require rewinding and rescreening. Buh its posted here so that if at all there is something that you might be able to learn and apply to your life, or maybe this helps you to understand what’s been eluding you so long then I’d have another fish to share the ocean with...
Thanks for reading...
"A single fish is always difficult to catch"
Think about it....
Hey heard you in Six Strings and had wrote it once..Do read when u hv time..http://taashuu.blogspot.com/2010/07/sunday-dinner-with-guitar-food-music.html